Keeping ourselves safe is a good thing but people you don't no asks you for directions to go somewhere and you say sorry I can't help you because I'm not aloud. Not um just around the corner and a few houses down on the left.
Te aparo purapura haere i raro te oneone. Te wai tuhinga ka whai mai te kapua hinga i runga i te oneone a te hana tuhinga ka whai mai te paraparaand te oneone. ka te parapara tapu ki roto a iti iti r rakau koe kena torohia te pakiaka. Te wai haere i ringa i te oneone te ra ano haere ra te oneone tapu te reia tapu nui atu a nui atu tapu te rau a te nga pua wai. A ka pi ka poipoia te nga pua wai A ka te reira tapu tika rite a pai ataahua aparo rakau a te huringa.
Jack is a little boy he’s a thief he was poor until he stole lots of the giants gold he stole a golden goose that lays golden eggs.But first he sold his cow then got five magic beans then his mum was not impressed with jack because he didn't get any money so she throw the five magic beans out the window. Then when they went to sleep with no food .They woke up and jack looked out the window and saw a big giant beanstalk. Jack climbed up up to the top of the gigantic beanstalk and saw an old man who’s a giant with big tall feet.
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